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Nickname: meri1970

Location: Lynchburg (Virginia), USA

Zodiac: Sagittarius

SHOEs: converse, Nike
Shoe size 7½

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Im just a big kid, i love to have fun, and goof off

Oct 27 16, 16:48

Its not you its me

by Meri1970, (

They say some people are meant to live a life of Misery, and never be happy, and I am beginning to believe I am one of those people.
Talking to people on line, they want to meet, they want a relationship, with me but as soon as we meet, poof they are gone.
I have to believe it is something wrong with me. the reason no one wants me. and have come to the conclusion that I am going to always be alone.
The last one went out with me 4 times, I met her kids, friends, then in a flash turn around, she now does not talk to me, or answer my messages. again poof she is gone.
So I will go on, and just live my life alone at least that way i wont have to feel the hurt of rejection, over and over again, a rejection I do not know what it is for, so i am left to think this rejection is something to do with me, a rejection that makes me think i am not worthy of any ones love.
I will pull my self up, and just have me. at least i wont poof and be gone on myself.

This blog has been read 1167 times.
[Comments]Comments (1)
latefall on Oct 27 16, 21:38

Not every date is a potential proposal. Try and just live in the moment and not think too much about the the next twenty years.
I say this as a woman who LOVES living together. It took a long time before I could get past the first date without thinking about buying furniture together.
Every relationship that ends isn't a failure. It's just part of the process.
Just enjoy each date, one at a time. Whether it grows or whether it fizzles out is the way it's supposed to be. And, yeah, in the meantime it's a good thing to be at peace with yourself, cause even when you're in a relationship you'll need that. 

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