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Nickname: meri1970

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Im just a big kid, i love to have fun, and goof off

Oct 06 16, 17:17

just call me the one date wonder

by Meri1970, (

so I have been on a few dates lately,
Every time it is the same, we talk and text for hours, before, and decide to meet, so we meet, then the next day I either dont hear any thing from them again, or they just slowly back off, less and less texting, and no talking on the phone.
So that is why i say i am a 1 date wonder, 1 date and im left to wonder what happened ?
Maybe I should just give up.

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[Comments]Comments (12)
Meri1970 on Oct 31 16, 03:00

Not looking for Marriage, or moving in together, I want to date for a while, then move on but dang cant even get that far, mostly 1 date then POOF they are gone or as in the last one, 4 dates and she was gone. makes you feel like something is wrong with you when they just keep poofing like that. 
latefall on Oct 31 16, 00:07

You're right, BoBear. Often it happens when and where we least expect it.. 

BoBear on Oct 31 16, 00:00

When the time is right, and that isn't always when we think it is right, she will be in your life.Mi'Lady - Patience is the key. Although is almost always very difficult to achieve. 

latefall on Oct 30 16, 23:08

Each of us is at a different point in our journey. Sometimes we just want to date. Just a nice, enjoyable time. Some date with the expectations of 'going to the next level', and that's when it gets tricky, because both ladies aren't always moving at the same pace. One lady my age told me that she'd already been there, done that, and was only dating with the intention to marry. Frankly, it scared the hell out of me. Just saying, it might not always be lip service. Sometimes we're just at different places in our lives. 

Meri1970 on Oct 30 16, 22:52

4 dates with the same one was more surprised each time we talked again after, then after the last date she slowly backed off, and then she told me " i dont have time for a relationship, lets just be friends" such a bologna line. but I had my time to be all upset about her, over with that, but still not looking.

Fercas on Oct 30 16, 22:28

4 dates with the same one? or 4 different dates?
I would just say what latefall has said already: "thanks, but no thanks".
I am sorry but I have no idea of what could be happening. Maybe you could bring a friend to the dates so she/he could tell you what is going on. 

Meri1970 on Oct 24 16, 01:55

well, here i go again, actually got 4 dates this time, and today,she would not answer my text, or phone calls, has not spoke a word to me all day, do not know what I did this time but poof this one is gone also. really starting to make me feel like i will NEVER find her, maybe my her is not out there. really want to say i quit and just live the rest of my life alone. I do Give up No more tired of it all. 
latefall on Oct 20 16, 04:12

I'm old school, so I don't understand ghosting and unfriending. Seems synonymous with rude to me. But, if these ladies can't even communicate well enough to say, 'Thanks, but no thanks", then I think you're better off. Your soul mate is still out there. 

Meri1970 on Oct 19 16, 17:58

wish it was just misunderstanding, but i tried to message, and never get an answer from any of them. 
latefall on Oct 08 16, 18:57

If it's someone that you're really interested in seeing again maybe you have to be the first to open up the dialogue, and just ask. "Hey, I really enjoyed our date. What happened"? Sometimes it's mixed signals. First dates are so hard. So full of nervous behavior that it's easy for something to be misunderstood. 

Fercas on Oct 07 16, 12:19

Oh come on! You can't complain!
You are dating!
Yes, one different woman each time but you are dating.
Enjoy the process of finding her. 

BoBear on Oct 07 16, 00:54

I have been told to never give up and I now pass this on to you. There is someone out there for you and you will find her. Someday, Somewhere, Somehow and most likely when you least expect it and aren't looking. 

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